Full Name
Are you an RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) or a client filling out this questionnaire?
If you're the client, do you prefer we contact and work directly with your advisor, or both you and your advisor?
What geographical region is the issue you're needing help solving located in?
What is the estimated timeline to resolve your inquiry or issue?
What is your estimated net worth?
Is your net worth greater than $2 Million USD?
How did you hear about us?
Do you have an ideal budget in mind to resolve this inquiry?
Is your inquiry related to loans, liquidity needs, selling real estate, or securities?
If yes, do you have an RIA, Financial Advisor, Real Estate Agent, Estate Planner, or Loan Officer? In the case of financial products, we will have to work directly with your advisor as we are not licensed to advise directly to the client for these products. We can work with your advisor who will advise you directly.
If you answered yes, please specify which adviser you have:
Is your inquiry personal or business related?
Please explain your inquiry and what you're hoping to achieve by working with us.